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We're Felicia's Promise
Felicia's Promise is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
The mission and purpose of Felicia’s Promise is to primarily assist girls of color from underrepresented communities by helping them to develop marketable skills, attain higher education, learn about career opportunities, and become financially self-reliant.
What we do
- We offer one on one mentoring, group mentoring sessions and promising girl chat conversations.
- We offer virtual academic tutoring in the US and abroad.
- We offer in-person & virtual biweekly themed workshops to include, Civic Engagement, Public Speaking, Literacy, Financial Literacy, Art Enrichment, Fitness Boot camp, Nutrition, Natural Hair Care, Women’s Health, Coding and more to come! We provide workshop essentials as needed.
Our Events
The Whole Girl
The whole girl: A series of workshops feeding the mind, body, and soul of girls of color age 12
2025 Spring Fashion Talent Show Fundraiser
2025 Spring Fashion Talent Show Fundraiser. Hosted by the FP Promise Leaders. Register for the fundraiser Click here
The Whole Girl
The whole girl: A series of workshops feeding the mind, body, and soul of girls of color age 12
Felicia's Promise Goals

Watch Testimony
Support the FP Team & our Mentees as they embark on an incredible journey
Felicia's Promise
Find out about events and places we’ve been and the impact we are making around the world.